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cold rolling mill for sale

These are related to the cold rolling mill for sale news, in which you can learn about the updated information in cold rolling mill for sale, to help you better understand and expand cold rolling mill for sale market. Because the market for cold rolling mill for sale is evolving and changing, so we recommend that you collect our website, and we will show you the latest news on a regular basis.
  • 2023-04-21

    Ring rolling is a special type of hot rolling that increases the diameter of the ring. The starting material is a thick-walled ring. This workpiece is placed between two rollers, an inner idler and a driven roller, pressing the ring from the outside. As rolling occurs, the wall thickness decreases w
  • 2023-04-18

    Rolling mill designs come in different types of configurations, the most basic being the twin roll non-reversible, meaning that there are two rolls that can only turn in one direction. The rolls of a two-roll reversing mill can rotate in both directions, but the disadvantage is that the rolls must b
  • 2022-08-08

    Cold rolling mills mainly roll coils or pickled steel from pickling lines with cooling oil at ambient temperature. Cold rolling mills produce steel and stainless steel, aluminum, foil and copper. There are many types of rolling mills, such as 2-High, 4-High, 6-High, 12-High, 20-High, Sendzimir mill, etc. (there are many types in terms of shape control operation).
Xi'an JUXINDE Metallurgical Equipment Co., Ltd., located in Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, is a professional supplier of second-hand metallurgical equipment.